Parish Clergy

Rev. Simeon Corona, Presbyter

Office:  (619) 593-0707 
Cell:  (619) 760-6373

Come and See! (John 1:46)

These are the simple words that the newly-minted Disciple Philip used to reply to the inquiry of the soon-to-be Disciple Nathaniel, can anything good come out of Nazareth?  Philip knew because he had very recently met our Lord and followed His command, Follow me!  So Beloved, can anything good come out of El Cajon?  Thank God, insomuch as we follow Him and are faithful in worship, love and outreach, Yes!  God is doing something good in El Cajon!  He has even "refined" us through fire.  Like the early Disciples, we're not particular well "situated", we're not large, we're not particularly wealthy, we're not from "the best neighborhoods".  We're from everywhere from Nazareth to El Cajon.  One thing we have in common... we follow Him!

My story is not unlike the story of many who find us.  I was seeking Christ and I found Him consistently believed, worshipped and faithfully followed in the original, and continuous Apostolic Church.  As a Bible and History Student I kept finding myself at her doorstep: first as a 16 year old visiting in Greece, next as a Bible Student studying in Jerusalem, as a College Student studying Religion,  and finally as a Seminarian caught in the cross-fire of the disintegration of truth in the Western Churches. 

The turning point for me was the realization that the Truth is not relative.  The Truth is a Person.  He said, I Am The Way, I Am The Truth, I am the Life (John 14:6)  Our Lord Jesus Christ IS The Truth.  Pontius Pilate was asking the wrong question: it's not "what is truth", it's "Who is the Truth.!"  He was standing in front of Him!  The reason so many of us are coming to the Orthodox Church is because of this Incarnational Reality.  The Word became Flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14).  We, through faithfulness His Mother Mary and the Apostles, became His Body, enlivened through the pouring out of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.   The unity of faith and worship has been consistent only in the One Body: the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. 

Many of our Members were born "here": some from the "Old Country" and increasingly from the "New".  Together we actively seek Him, find Him, follow Him, Grow in Him and Go and Do for Him here with our Church Family at St. Gregory of Nyssa Greek Orthodox Church.  We're intimately connected with all the Orthodox Churches as the One, unbroken Body of Christ and seek to find common cause with all those who seek to follow Christ.  The Way that our Lord showed Philip and Nathaniel; of prayer, life and Communion with our One, God and Father through the Holy Spirit.  That's what we do.  That's who we are.  So, to those who read this, who live in our neighborhood and desire to follow Him.  I enthusiastically invite you: Come and see!


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